The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
In around 1930, Tom Sawyer live with his younger brother named Sid and his cousin named Mary and his aunt named Polly and a household servant named Jim in
St. Petersburg, Missouri, America. Tom is bad boy so he fall into disfavor with adults in the neighborhood, but he is boss of the kids so his playmates give him due respect.
Tom skips work that Polly gives him directions, and he cuts school, and then he spends all of his time in idle amusement. He spends every day is like this. He has a best friend named Huckleberry Finn. Huck is a homeless. Tom puts his heart into Huck’s house building. Tom and Huck build a hut on the big tree, and they play in there. They share the place with everyone.
One day, Tom and Huck and Ben go to Jackson Island behind the back of adults in order to pretend that they are pirates. The raft they ride are riding being carried away at night, but the raft is caught so they are safe. Adults of the town are under the wrong impression they are carried off in the sewers so adults go in search of them, but adults can’t find them. Adults hold their joint funeral. When adults feel sorry, they come in sight, and they surprise adults.
One day, Tom and Huck go to a graveyard at midnight in order to pretend that they are bandit. They happen to witness the murder case in there. They pinch in a manhunt for a criminal, but they can’t arrest the culprit. They don’t give a damn for things like that. They go on an expedition, and they catch sight of a haunted house, and they go into there. They witness the scene that the murderer carries gold out of there, but they can’t confirm where the gold are carried out.
After that, Tom and Huck go to limestone cave is on the outskirts of the town to play. The place is a secret base of the murderer. They are caught by him. They are saved by a sheriff, but the murderer is missing. However, Huck find gold that the murderer hides so he famous person of the town.
Huck is placed in the custody of a town people. He starts to go to school with Tom and his friends, but he is full of mischief as usual.
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